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Privacy Policy


Our website uses cookies. If you use our website, u agree with the cookies as outlined in our privacy policy. U can also edit these cookies. Then you can make a more specific selection.

Our websites are structured so that you can visit them without identifying yourself or having to provide personal information. Should you provide us with personal information (that can identify you), we guarantee that this information will only be used for the purpose of maintaining the relationship you have with Axitech. The personal data provided are used only by our organization, not by third parties and not by our partners.

We use the information you provide to better understand customer needs and provide better services. By registering yourself on this site, you can easily log in on your next visit. In this way, the ordering procedure is facilitated. You can delete your account at any time in your account settings. Please note that we do still keep information about your orders due to legal obligations.

Credit card numbers are not shown to us at any time. The online payments are processed by Mollie, and they guarantee a direct connection between the customer and his/her bank. Paying online this way is the safest method both for you and for us.

We collect abstract information through Google Analytics & Adwords (so no name, address, etc., just actions). We have entered into a processor agreement with Google. To ensure your privacy, we have also anonymized your IP address. This information is not shared with third parties as well as not used for advertising. This information is used to analyze and improve the health of our website, as well as to update our ads to better search terms. This data is automatically deleted after 26 months.

For marketing purposes, we also use Facebook pixel tracking. This tracks how effective our Facebook ads are and helps us target them more effectively. We are never shown personal information here. You can manage the settings for this on Facebook itself in your account settings.

Conversations (as well as any personal information you enter) via the live chat (from Zoho) are logged so that we can better help you in the future. Zoho is displayed in the language you use for your browser. If you want to contact us, but would rather not have your info tracked you can contact us at the contact form. You can ask to have them removed at any time.

Our newsletters are sent through our own system, this allows us to easily create and send beautiful newsletters to our list of subscribed interested parties. Normally, you will receive an email only if you have subscribed to it. Usually our newsletters are about promotions or quality products that we think may be of interest to our subscribers. If you subscribe, your email address will be stored in this list. If you unsubscribe (each newsletter contains a link for this purpose) it will be deleted.

Certain data may be kept for a certain period of time and may not be legally deleted until the legal deadline has passed. This is mainly about invoices and information related to orders.

You have the right to request, modify or delete your data at any time. You can do this by emailing from the email address you are registered with us.

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Complaints about how we process your data should be reported to the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy (

Last updated on: 22-09-2021