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Reparaties Hardware Laptops Windows Linux


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Repairs Windows | Linux Laptop

Windows | Linux Laptop

Here is a list of all the repairs we do for Windows | Linux Laptop.

Screens and batteries can often be replaced on the same day, on appointment.

Prices are indicative and include workhours and VAT

U have 6 months warranty on your repair.

Unsure about what exactly needs to be repaired?
Bring your device to the store for a diagnosis and exact quote.

If you don't see your problem mentioned, please contact us, we might be able to help you regardless.

With or without appointment

Quality parts

Fast service

Including workhours

Including VAT

6 months warranty

 LCD Screen
From € 150,00

 Back cover chasis
From € 120,00

From € 100,00

From € 50,00

 Charging port
From € 90,00

 Replace thermal paste
€ 60,00

From € 30,00

 RAM Memory
From € 50,00

 Transferring data
From € 90,00

 Data recovery
On request

 Cleaning water damage
€ 60,00*

 Maintenance Hardware & Software
€ 120,00

Is your problem not in the list? Contact us here with the problem, the brand and modelnumber of your device!

The duration of a repair depends on the nature of the defect(s), the configuration of the device, location and duration of the shipment of ordered parts, how busy it is and force majeure.
The specified duration is indicative.

Axitech is never responsible for lost data.

Back up your data before bringing your device in for service and/or repair.

Axitech also offers data recovery services.