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Ever since the release of the iPhone X, iPhones have had a glass back cover.
While this certainly looks and feels very good, it does pose a problem.
Glass is much more likely to break when the device is dropped.
Now that nice glass back cover is cracked and if you're unlucky you can even cut youself on glass shards!

Time to get it fixed!

How it works

The glass cover is attached to the frame of the iPhone using heavy duty glue.

Removing this by hand takes a very long time and is prone to mistakes.

That's why use a specialized machine that destroys use the glue using a high precision laser.

Once the glue is fully destroyed, we can easily remove the glass shards and prepare the back for application of the new glass back cover.


Compatible iPhone Models

Apple iPhone X € 129,00
Apple iPhone 8 € 119,00
Apple iPhone 8 Plus € 119,00
Apple iPhone XR € 139,00
Apple iPhone XS € 119,00
Apple iPhone XS Max € 119,00
Apple iPhone 11 € 129,00
Apple iPhone 11 Pro € 129,00
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max € 149,00
Apple iPhone SE 2020 € 129,00
Apple iPhone 12 € 199,00
Apple iPhone 12 Mini € 149,00
Apple iPhone 12 Pro € 249,00
Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max € 249,00

checkmark  Prices include parts, workhours and 21% VAT

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