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Welcome to Axitech!

We specialize in repairing a wide range of models from popular brands, ensuring your devices are back to optimal performance in no time.

Our expert technicians are equipped to handle all repairs with precision and care.

Explore the list of supported models we service and trust us to keep your device running smoothly.

It's temporarily not possible to list the models, check back soon!

Is your problem not in the list? Contact us here with the problem, the brand and modelnumber of your device!

The duration of a repair depends on the nature of the defect(s), the configuration of the device, location and duration of the shipment of ordered parts, how busy it is and force majeure.
The specified duration is indicative.

Axitech is never responsible for lost data.

Back up your data before bringing your device in for service and/or repair.

Axitech also offers data recovery services.


You always have a one-year warranty on hardware repairs performed.

Payment Methods

You can securely pay with

Bancontact, KBC, Belfius, ING,

Visa, MasterCard, iDeal, PayPal

or with a wire transfer.

Contact us

U can contact us using the contact form

or on +32 15 274 474